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Ask an Agency...volume 11

A lesson in delivery of messaging this week with Mark Preston from Herd

Mark Preston, Performance Director at Herd

Award winning agency Herd are experts in helping e-commerce brands grow.  Performance Director Mark Preston shares the biggest lessons he's learnt from years of client experience.

Mark Preston, Performance Director at Herd

Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt from working with a client, and why?

There's a famous story about a meeting that happened in 1934 between then US President Franklin Roosevelt and the economist John Keynes. The US was still in the midst of the Great Depression and Keynes is said to have gone into the meeting armed with charts, tables and mathematical equations intended to show the president how the country's economy could be turned around.

The story goes that Roosevelt simply did not get the complexities of Keynes' theories. So he ignored them. A move said to have perpetuated the depression by several more years - causing much suffering to the lives of millions of everyday Americans.

Whether the story is true or not - one of the biggest lessons I've learned from working with clients and businesses of all sizes for the past 13 years is - always be open to challenge, to validate and be honest about things - but critically - do it in a way that makes sense to the person you're speaking to; whether they're detail oriented like Keynes or a 'big picture' person like Roosevelt.

Comprehension is measured at the listener's ear, so as partners to our clients we need to frame the right messages in the right way to the right audience.

And there you have it folks. Comprehension is key - making sure you're presenting information in a way your clients (and their customers!) is absolutely essential to help get your message across. 

We'll be back in a few weeks with some more gems from agency leaders. Interested in taking part? Drop us a line today!

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