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Ask and Agency...volume 3

It's the latest instalment of our popular feature, and this week we find out about the biggest lesson you can learn from your client relationships...

David O'Hearns, Founder and MD at Dawn Creative

Dawn Creative are Stockport based creative agency specialising in branding, motion, design and digital. David founded other agency 9 years ago, after extensive experience in the industry across brand development and strategy.

You can check out aa little bit more about Dawn Creative here. 

But for now, let's dive straight into this week's burning question...

David O'Hearns, Founder and MD at Dawn Creative
Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt from working with a brand/client?

"I personally believe the biggest learning is to work with people you like and they like you. Over the years too many people see B2B relationships as "supplier/client" and that if we pay you then you do what we say.

I have found that the best relationships are ones where we collaborate, we all understand that there will be successes and failures along the way but we collectively agree to work as a team and move forward.

An open, honest dialogue that only has the brand/business we are all working for and wanting to succeed in mind. No hidden agendas or personal gain. Just a desire to do well and hopefully succeed."

Wise words from David on creating an open and honest dialogue, whether you're brand or agency side. It's clear the best results come from true collaboration...

We'll back with another instalment from another fantastic Agency soon. If you're a founder or Agency leader and you'd like to get involved and share some top tips, reach out to our team today!

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