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Ask and Agency...volume 5

It's your latest instalment of words of wisdom from agency trailblazers. 

Sam-Fenton Elstone, CEO & Founder of Anything is Possible

As founder of creative and media agency Anything is Possible, Sam knows a thing or two about building successful relationships!

The team at Anything is Possible specialise in broadcast & digital media, SEO, PPC and content strategy. You can read a little bit more them here.

In the meantime, settle in while we dive deep into Sam's advice...

Same-Fenton Elstone, founder at Anything is Possible
What's the number one thing that can help strengthen a relationship with a client - generally and from experience?

Getting to really know their business - and clients as people - is huge. There’s what they say they want - and there’s what they need, and they are never the same thing. The more you can connect with them to steer their thinking towards the latter, the more impact you can have. Negotiating that takes trust, and trust has to be earned through the difference you can make to their mission. So you need to get to the bottom of what’s really important to them and what's driving their goals. 

You have to know them better than they know themselves. An agency is valuable because we have an outsider’s perspective - we’re not encumbered by organisational politics, or fear, or what happened last time. We can look at the client’s situation without bias or favour, see what’s right for the client in the moment - and make it happen.

So this is to do with research, and taking advantage of your freedom to soak up knowledge and perspectives you don’t get from inside the organisation. And it’s about speaking truth in meetings when it may be uncomfortable. And most importantly, it’s about human conversations. The most valuable business discussion happens around the lunch table, not the conference table.

That's it for this week's edition. We'll be back with more insights from leading agency founders soon!

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