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Strategic communications for NP11

Helping the north speak to government with one voice

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Services Offered

Campaign planning / implementation, PR - B2B, PR - consumer, PR - public affairs, Print advertising, Web design, Web development

NP11 is the business-led voice for the North that brings together the 11 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) from across the North of England which are responsible for delivering the government's Northern Powerhouse Policy. Our strategic and comprehensive approach has enabled the NP11 to raise its profile among its target audiences, helping it to become recognised as a shared voice for businesses across the north.  From high profile PR successes to highly targeted parliamentary events, we have helped the NP11 connect with its audiences and stakeholders. 

Our Challenge:

  • increase the visibility and share of voice of the NP11 around its key policy priorities and the levelling up agenda
  • position the NP11 as the leading collective voice for northern businesses
  • influence Westminster, national, northern and regional audiences across both the public and private sectors.

Our Approach:

  • An annual communications and engagement strategy, aligned to the NP11’s policy priorities 
  • The strategic coordination of all NP11 communications and engagement activity, including joint campaigns with the 11 LEP communications leads and partners
  • Acting as the press office for the NP11, delivering proactive and reactive PR support 
  • Set piece communications events and campaigns such as the Manifesto for the North
  • Stakeholder engagement, including mapping, stakeholder and parliamentary monitoring and advising on engagement opportunities 
  • Preparing briefings and speeches for NP11 Chairs 
  • Management of the NP11’s social media and website


  • Convention for the North – 31 pieces of coverage with an estimated 198,000 coverage views
  • Manifesto for the North launch – secured coverage on the front of every regional paper across the North, plus national broadcast coverage, uniting LEPs and northern political leaders in calling for more powers to be devolved to the region
  • The NP11 at Westminster – organised a parliamentary reception for northern MPs and metro mayors. This was the first such event with the new Government and secured cross-party support for the NP11’s aims.

Social media campaigns – the #NorthMeansBusiness campaign generated over 65,000 impressions on social media over 18 days

Case studies
Mobilising local people for The Big Community Sew
Case study
Mobilising local people for The Big Community Sew

We helped sustainable fashion campaign Patrick Grant launch The Big Community Sew during the pandemic

George Clarke's Council House Scandal
Case study
George Clarke's Council House Scandal

In July 2019 - the centenary of the Addison Act which initiated large scale building of council estates - architect and television presenter G...